Saturday, July 21, 2012

I had my believe
Love , Life , People
many things happen
I received one short message yesterday
and is from one of my old friend
He text-ed me about his wedding on next Saturday
I was like WTF?!
getting married?omg!
Before this
I meet with some girl
having different experience with each other
I felt
Love , Joy ,  Sorrow , Anger , Betrayed
and the list goes on 
every time it just gave me
a unforgettable moments
Memories that I can't let myself away
Sin I bear with 
Soul that live in me
Fear that kept me
there's so many time
I had a thought 
this is the girl 
I going to married with
this is the right one for me
It proved I'm so wrong
when I told people not to choosy
I'm the one who choosy
I might confused sometimes
I always have a phrase
have a little faith
this is what I told myself
have faith 
on everything 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Been quite some time
 I wrote the last post
I took photos
I have funs
I travels
at least
I had my birthday :3
with my beloved sis Teng Ang + Rene + Jack + Wees + YiQ + Lsc
drink drank drunk
in da Library
Love all of you :)
they gave me a Gold Pendant
aw,so Lovely
I look into the receipt
Sold by : [ Justin Lin ]
which is me myself  =_=" swt
I treasure every single minute I spent with you
I remembered everything
Luckily I not doing any embarrased motion
Long Island
I won't recommend to anyone else ><"
awful to me
Sing K celebration with my colleagues
nice :3
had a powerful bite from my cashier
seriously wounded
I being so jealousy towards every single guy
who treat her good
taken seriously about everything of hers.
Happy Birthday to Me , Myself and I
Mum , I Love you :3
I wanted to buy this and that
but everything is tooo expensive
the lens I wanted is 7k+8k
Iphone nor Ipad
I wanna take more photos
I want travel
I want you

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

had no Idea why I'm so obsessed with you
previously you said maybe it happens 
because I just breaking up
but now I'm telling you that I fall for you
there's always a but
you been attached
I guessed I got into wrong people again
I have the strong feeling towards you
As Jiney said
I always flirt around
that makes people feel insecure to be with me
I understand the feeling
to prevent such event happens
I shall just stop it
I can't give any promises
I'll try my best
not to do it
is the mysteries person
to me
I don't even know you Chinese Name
after a year we know each other
you never told me anything about yourself
I barely know everything about you
from others
I always there for you

Saturday, April 7, 2012

There's just someone that I could never let go 
There's things happen that I could never forget
memories shall not fade 
Phrase I told
Words I promised
Called I made
Love I gave
Place we been together
Things happens between Us
I just can't let go..
I'm sorry
 I Heart you 

Friday, March 23, 2012

it's new beginning for me.
and for her,
I heard she going to married
but when I tried to send her wishes
she told me is cancelled..

everything are getting worst..
I don't know I still can take it for how long..
A little changes might helps..
Actually all I wanted is everyone are Happy around me.

I dislike when the situation turns worst then before
I kept silent is not because I weak
I do so because I don't want to have a fight between us..
there's a gap between us..
 I trying to fix it yet the gap but it doesn't go well..

when I have to face those people who have faith on me..
what they expected from me..
and what they want from me ...
I kept failed them.
Is not me who like to failed what others count on me.
I always done the best

not in sales..
when I'm getting higher than others..
people started to stared on me
bullshit behind nor even back stabbed
I know is common when I comes to work
I never expect it would be this serious..
come on
i hate MF = [ mother fucker ] fakers
don't be a fucking good actors in front everyone..
damn it, I'm sick with it..

God , please guide me to a right path..
when I still have a little faith.

Jiney , my stepsister 
thanks for being with me all these day..
as you told me
what happened when you all leave me here..
I would miss everyone + every single moment we spent together..
I'm praying that these relationship stayed strong :3 till forever

As you said,
I'm complicated 
in relationship..
I can call anyone Dear..Sayang or what so ever..
but for me
I don't really care
if I cared for you, I will stick with you whenever I free.
I spent minutes with you.
if I just call dear + sayang .. in FB nor Msg
I'm just want my spouse pay attention on me..
want she afraid to losing me cause It felt the same way to me.
towards Rene
I do fall for her :)
but not anymore.. I have to stopped myself 
stepping deeper into this trap once more
I escaped quick enough
It's gonna hurts once more.
I'm selfish..I don't want to get any hurt
even everytime I be with her
the feeling are still there..
I will controlled myself not to..
Is a joy to hugs her in my arms
I worried whenever she went into troubles
because I afraid im not able to help..

She deserved better..

About Stella,
Maybe I'm looking someone to move forwards..
but still..

I just never realized that I had migraine
too much of stress 
and I had no way to released it..
I keep look for you , asked you out..
is just I felt better when I be with you.
at least 
I can be myself for that particular moment

Wedding Photographers
that's what they called me..
I'm still new 
thanks for everyone who gave me chances to do shooting in their big day in life.
every single picture
I make sure there's a soul in them :)
Looking forward for pre-wedding shooting.
there's much more to learn..
in photoshooting.
I looks more and more photographers and master pieces of their owns
I believed someday , I would be better than anyone of them
this is the spirit
not to competed but have a little things to makes me proud of myself.
I had giving up my arts..Design..
I just wish when the next morning I wake up
I would have seen my child chasing their own dreams..

My Family are getting better
they are much more harmony than previous..

