Been quite some time
I wrote the last post
I took photos
I have funs
I travels
at least
I had my birthday :3
with my beloved sis Teng Ang + Rene + Jack + Wees + YiQ + Lsc
drink drank drunk
in da Library
Love all of you :)
they gave me a Gold Pendant
aw,so Lovely
I look into the receipt
Sold by : [ Justin Lin ]
which is me myself =_=" swt
I treasure every single minute I spent with you
I remembered everything
Luckily I not doing any embarrased motion
Long Island
I won't recommend to anyone else ><"
awful to me
Sing K celebration with my colleagues
nice :3
had a powerful bite from my cashier
seriously wounded
I being so jealousy towards every single guy
who treat her good
taken seriously about everything of hers.
Happy Birthday to Me , Myself and I
Mum , I Love you :3
I wanted to buy this and that
but everything is tooo expensive
the lens I wanted is 7k+8k
Iphone nor Ipad
I wanna take more photos
I want travel
I want you